Sunday, April 25, 2010

Location Location

So it seems I will be moving to Lakenheath, UK.  That's England for those not in the know.  Not a typo for Arkansas or Alaska.  So now I just have to have some major yardsale/Goodwill action and purge some (a lot) of my stuff.  haha.  I know...I just have way too much stuff.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Location, Location, Location...
So the list is out. Now I have to rank my top three...
To my friends and family. What sounds good? What sounds bad? What have you heard?? If you want to see where exactly they are look here.

Altus (Oklahoma)
Aviano (Italy)
Beale (California)
Cannon (New Mexico)
Chroughton (England)
Davis-Monthan (Arizona)
Dover (Delaware)
Dyess (Texas)
Edwards (California)
Eielson (Alaska)
Ellsworth (South Dakota)
Fairchild (Washington)
Goodfellow (Texas)
Hanscom (Boston, Massachusetts)
Hill (Utah)
Holloman (New Mexico)
Kadena (Japan)
Lakenheath (England)
Little Rock (Arkansas)
Maxwell (Alabama)
McConnell (Kansas)
Mcguire (New Jersey)
Minot (North Dakota)
Moody (Georgia)
Mount Home (Idaho)
Patrick (Florida)
Pentagon AF DC (duh)
Robins (Georgia)
Spang-Bitburg (Germany)
Tyndall (Florida)
Whiteman (Missouri)
Yokota (Japan - near Tokyo)
It's official. I'm the worst blogger ever.

Monday, October 20, 2008

So for those that don't know... my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer just a couple of weeks ago. It is scary and stressful and well, I'm sure you can come up with plenty of other descriptive words......
He had his IV port put in on Friday, and he starts chemo this Wednesday. And instead of getting to be near him and help my sister with all of this, I am trying to study for my national board exam which is coming up in November. Guess how well that's going...


back to trying to study.......

Thursday, May 01, 2008

On the same thought-wave as Beth. A shout out to both my dad and Jerris/Andy, the ever building men I have known.
Well, one more day of tests and then Vacation! I do believe that this is the first one that I've had in well, years, that I don't have plans for. Any ideas??

I'm thinking about playing tourist. You know.... buy a guidebook and do all of those things people do in Charleston that I've not gotten around to in the last three years. Which is just about everything.

So cast your vote. What should I do next week? Beach? Spring cleaning? Carriage ride? Random hitchiking trip to Tallahassee?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

All I have to say is... "that was unexpected."

Not unfortunate or unpleasant or unlikely (I suppose), but unexpected none-the-less. Or so I like to tell myself.

This being mostly for my own benefit, I won't go into further details. But I will say yeah, that is exactly what every girl wants to hear as she walks out of a door. However, think about the last unexpected thing to happen to you that wasn't also either unfortunate or unpleasant. I hope you could come up with more events than I could.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Well, I am the worst blogger ever.

I am just about to finish up my 3rd yr here at MUSC...I can't believe that I will be a senior in a little over a month. It seems that I should know what I'm doing now...enough to teach the 'tricks' to the rising Juniors. Some days I feel ready, but mostly I still feel like I want someone over my shoulder saying "yes, you really are doing this right". Soon I have to start studying again for the National Boards, application for residency...and a new life in the Air Force. All a bit daunting.

Happy note... I have already blocked out days to go to Emmy and Jerris's wedding. YEAH!!! I miss people so much... while school is good and people are nice... most everyone is married (and never do anything) or not cool enough to like "Spaced", "Naruto" and other awsome things that the gang got me hooked on.


But life is good. My nieces are healthy and growing, and the wisteria vines and azaleas are blooming to beat the band. Guess I can't complain too much that I miss my Landis/FSU friends. It is good to know that everyone is doing well.

Now to clean the house before going to see Run Fat Boy Run. Simon Pegg is just awsome.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Well, though I seemed to have fallen off the planet, I was actually fighting for my sanity as I was responsible for 26 credit hours this Spring, as well as preparing for my Part I of the National Board Exam.

I passed!! So I am deemed competant in the Basic Sciences and can now try my hand at real patients. I currently have 4 denture patients (immediates - which means I have to prepare the denture BEFORE they have their teeth pulled. Believe me hard work!!) as well as various other patients with issues best discussed later.

After my exam I spent the week at my sister's house in Colorado. I was able to hold the very cuddly Millie (Amelia Young Linder - 8 wks old now and oh so adorable) as well as play with Maggie (my 3 year old niece). Lots of fun, but my sister is going through Chemo again, and that is very tough on her family. Keep us in your prayers. Well, her mostly :) I can handle myself. -- Kung fu and all that jazz.

I earned my green belt in the spring. I then proceeded to get very rusty - and have to relearn a ton. Of course that is the way of the world.

My sorority sisters Carla and Francis are in town for the week, and I have been trying to entertain them by having them run free during the day, and taking them out at night. Tonight we went Salsa dancing. LOTS of FUN. I will have to go dancing more often. I was pitiful like all first time dancers, but several guys danced with me more than once, so I guess I didn't kill too many toes. One guy in particular kept trying to monopolize my time -- annoying -- but he knows about all of the dancing events in town, so I let him hang around. Not a bad guy I guess, but when you are out with your friends, you don't want anyone to monopolize your time but the people you brought with you :) I was able to wear a fun blue dress that I made this past of the hardest things I have ever made - and probably a one-of-a-kind forever due to the difficulty of the pattern. I only wore it for an hour or so before slipping out of my dancing shoes and dress (in the restroom--dirty minds) into a tank top and skirt that were a little cooler and with less risk of "falling out" as the saying goes. :) I will have to find a great swingy skirt and high necked tank top to wear if I continue with such outings. It makes dancing much more fun if you aren't worried about how much cleavage you are showing (avoiding a "wardrobe malfunction" is the key here).

On sad news my favorite breakfast place has closed. They say it will become a Noodle and Sake bar, but it still hasn't morphed... Ah well what can you do. I suppose I will have to cook my own eggs and bacon from now on. I will certainly miss the beniets though.

Well there is the update...a new and thought provoking quote to come (from "THUD" by Terry Pratchett)...stay posted.